Are you wondering if you might be pregnant? Even though the only way to know for sure is by taking a pregnancy test, there are some early symptoms of pregnancy. By reading this article, you will learn about the earliest signs of pregnancy, as well as what the most common symptoms are.
Since every woman is different, her experiences of pregnancy are also different. However, it is possible to get the feeling that you’re pregnant as early as two weeks after you’ve conceived. Interestingly enough, your doctor will tell you that you are four weeks pregnant since the doctor will count your pregnancy from the first day of your last period. This is because there is no way to knowing for sure the exact day that you conceived.
Earliest signs of pregnancy can happen right before and during menstruation, which is why these symptoms aren’t always recognized. This is why it’s a good idea to know what symptoms you can expect as well as when, which helps you identify them in your own situation. Note that the following symptoms can be caused by some other things as well. The only sure way to tell is with a pregnancy test, but more about this later in the article.
The fertilized egg will attach itself to the wall of the uterus a few days after conception. This can cause one of the earliest signs of pregnancy, which is spotting and cramping.
This is a very common symptom, caused by something that is called “implementation bleeding”. It can be expected that spotting can happen anywhere from 6 to 12 days after the conception. Note that the cramps and bleeding are only slight, which is why it is so easy to overlook this early sign.
There is also another proven way to notice pregnancy symptoms. A woman’s hormone levels rapidly change after conception, and additionally, pregnancy hormones increase the blood supply to your breasts. The area around the nipples, called the areola, may darken. Your usual bra may become uncomfortable, and your breasts may become a bit swollen and tingly. What is also important to mention is that sore breasts become noticeable about four weeks after conception.
Morning sickness is a famous symptom of pregnancy, and I am sure many of you have heard about it. However, this is completely individual, since some women experience clear signs of nausea, while others are not affected by this symptom in any way.
According to clinical studies, nausea usually happens about six weeks after you’ve conceived, so this is not one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. Also, it is possible that nausea, cravings, and food aversions can last for the entire pregnancy. Numerous studies also showed that this symptom declines at about the 13th or 14th week.
The exact cause of morning sickness is still unknown, but the medical community believes that it could be connected with the rise in pregnancy hormones and estrogen.
There are also additional symptoms that may occur, even though they are not as common as the ones that were described earlier.
For example, your uterus presses directly on the bladder leading to more frequent urination. Similarly, the added pressure and intestinal changes may also cause constipation. This is not just one of the earliest signs of pregnancy, but can occur anytime. As the baby grows more, the more the uterus presses against the bladder and other organs.
Fatigue is also one of the possible early signs. You might remember someone saying that it takes a lot of energy to create a baby, which is actually true. This is why many women start feeling very tired early in pregnancy, but the good news is that you’ll probably start feeling less tired around week 12, when the placenta is fully formed.
Missed period is one of the most obvious symptoms of pregnancy, as well as the one that prompts most women to get a pregnancy test. However, this is not one of the reliable signs since women can experience some bleeding during pregnancy, which is perfectly normal. Additionally, there are other causes to missing a period. Some of the examples are hormonal problems, fatigue, or if you gained or lost too much weight. Missed period can also happen when a woman stops taking birth control pills.
Pregnancy test can tell if your urine or blood contains a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone is produced right after a fertilized egg attaches to a woman’s uterus wall. This happens about six days after fertilization, with the tendency of doubling every two to three days. In case you have any doubts, you can use a pregnancy test.
There are two types of pregnancy tests: urine tests, and blood tests. The first one can be done at home or in a doctor’s office. These tests can be easily obtained, and women choose to use this test since home pregnancy tests are private and convenient. Additionally, you will receive instructions that you need to follow very closely in order to get the most accurate result. Differently, blood tests are only done at your doctor’s office. The good side of this pregnancy test type is that it’s able to detect pregnancy earlier than a home pregnancy test – only six to eight days after ovulation. However, it takes longer to get the results using this way.
What is also important to be said is that urine-based pregnancy tests are about 99% accurate. This is why you need to follow the instructions closely. You can purchase a home pregnancy test in a drugstore, without a prescription, and they are priced from $8 to about $20.
In rare cases, the home pregnancy test can give a false result. This means that you’re not pregnant, but the test says you are. This can be caused by some drugs, such as tranquilizers, anti-convulsants, and hypnotics.
The most accurate result can be obtained by doing a blood test in your doctor’s office. So, called your doctor and make an appointment.
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