Even if you plan a pregnancy, you might be still faced with wondering what to do after a positive pregnancy test. Even though your emotions are going to overwhelm you when you see that plus sign, there are still some practical and important steps you need to take.

In this article, we are going to answer some important questions regarding a positive pregnancy test, in order to help you clear some doubts and steer you in the right direction.



Even though today’s home pregnancy tests are highly accurate, there is still a small chance that a home pregnancy test can be wrong. This is why many women choose to take two test kits in order to be surer. Actually, you can find numerous home pregnancy tests that come with two tests.

It is also wise to make an appointment with your gynecologist/obstetrician. The reason for this is because you can do a blood-based pregnancy test, which can be done only at your doctor’s office. These tests are more reliable and there is only a very small chance that it provides a false result.

In case you don’t have health insurance, you can always go to your local health department where you can ask about free pregnancy testing as well as health care programs.



If there is a chance that you might be pregnant from pre-cum, you should adjust to some lifestyle changes. It is very important to start or maintain a healthy diet, as well as to avoid any harmful substances. Even if you are suspecting you might be pregnant, here are a few very important pieces of advice:

  • In case you use any harmful substances (if you smoke or use drugs), you should stop or get help immediately! It is also well known that tobacco is linked to premature birth, low birth weight, as well as other major problems like a mental or physical deformity.
  • If you drink alcohol, you should immediately stop. Just like other harmful substances, alcohol can cause severe problems during pregnancy.
  • In case you exercise on a daily basis, you should adapt to some low-impact exercises like walking or swimming.
  • It is highly important to develop or maintain a healthy diet plan. Consume the right amount of protein, whole grains, as well as fruits and vegetables. Foods rich in folic acid are beneficial, especially in early pregnancy. There are dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, and lettuce. You should also eat asparagus, broccoli, seeds, and nuts, as well as tomato juice and lentils.
  • Additionally, it is recommended to start taking a prenatal vitamin. Many doctors will say that prenatal vitamins with iron are recommended, and the good news is that you can buy these over the counter.



False positive results are possible, however, they are very rare and unusual. There are several reasons why this can happen:

  • You might be wondering which test was right in case an early pregnancy test gave you a positive result, but you received a negative result after using a new kit. Unfortunately, the second negative test is more likely to be the true situation, which means that you are no longer pregnant. What this means is that the first test wasn’t wrong – it was just an early test which detected an early stage of pregnancy. Sadly, many pregnancies don’t make it beyond these first few weeks, which is one of the common reasons for getting two different results.
  • It is highly important that you stick to the instructions on the packaging since this can be the reason for getting a false result. If you read your test after the suggested time (about 5-10 minutes, depending on a home pregnancy test), a faint evaporation line may develop. This may look like a positive result, but it actually isn’t. Make sure to check the instructions for how to use your pregnancy test, and then strictly stick to them.
  • In some rare instances, you can get a false result if you are using a defective or expired test. This is why you should always check the date on your test and make sure it is not expired.
  • Every home pregnancy test measures the levels of hCG hormone in your urine, which is a clear indication if you’re pregnant. However, it is important to know that some fertility drugs contain hCG, which can have an impact on your pregnancy test. However, one of the most popular fertility drugs, called Clomid, does not contain hCG.
  • In some very rare instances, a false positive pregnancy test result can indicate an unusual medical situation. This is because there are certain illnesses which cause an increase in hCG, which is what a home pregnancy test detects.



In case you’ve taken a few pregnancy tests and you are still unsure what to do next, these are our best pieces of advice:


  1. In case you have taken several home pregnancy tests and gotten mixed results, you should make an appointment with your doctor. It is advisable to do a blood-based test or ultrasound in order to confirm your pregnancy. You should also know that the sooner you confirm your pregnancy, the sooner you can begin prenatal care which is beneficial.
  2. If your home pregnancy test is negative and if your period doesn’t begin, it is advisable to repeat the test in a few days. This especially goes for those who took the test before or shortly after a missed period.
  3. In case you get a few negative results, but your period still doesn’t begin, you should check with your health care provider. There are numerous reasons why your period might be late since many factors lead to missed menstrual cycles. These can be low body weight, excessive exercise, stress, thyroid disorders, and problems with your ovaries. It is important to make an appointment at your doctor’s office in order to get your menstrual cycle back on track.




Even though this happens rarely, there are some instances where a false positive result can happen. This is why it’s important to know all the possible reasons for this, as well as how to behave after a positive result – regardless of its validity.



Remember, your doctor is the only one who can tell you for sure if you are pregnant, so make an appointment as soon as you can.


If you have any questions about precum or pregnancy, feel free to send us an e-mail and we will answer your question asap.
